Certified Experience Matters
Legal Disclaimer
Thank you for visiting our website. We hope that the information you find here is helpful. You should, however, be aware of several important issues.
First, our website contains only general information about our practice and our philosophy. Nothing on our site is intended to be presented as, or construed to be, legal advice. We cannot provide you with any legal advice until we have met with you, reviewed the facts and circumstances of your case, and agreed to enter into a written attorney/client agreement with you. It is very important that you understand that simply contacting us (whether by e-mail, telephone, or in person) does not establish an attorney/client relationship with our firm.
Second, since we do not have an attorney/client relationship with you until we mutually execute a written representation agreement, please do not send us any confidential or privileged information prior to that time. Any information you send to us before the establishment of an attorney/client relationship may not be protected. You should also note that communications made via e-mail may not be secure, so please be cautious and judicious with the types of information you send to us via e-mail.
Third, and lastly, you should be aware that the outcome of any case depends wholly on the facts and circumstances of that individual matter. Our past successes do not guarantee any particular result in your case.